About Us

About Us

Reveal Him Ministries was founded by Jim and Teresa Nave. Their desire is to teach others about the good news of the Kingdom of God.

They believe this ministry is part of the prophetic word spoken to them in 2017. This is a portion of that prophecy.

Luke 5:1-11 Jesus said to Peter, “launch out into the deep and let down your net for a catch”.

Jim and Teresa, your church, your pastorate will be the vessel God wants to use to teach the multitudes. He is asking you to “put out a little from the land” (vs.3)- from familiar ground and to “launch out into the deep”(vs. 4)… the deeper things of the Spirit… and “let down your nets”… trust Him completely (a letting go into His way/His provision/His methodologies) and the “catch” will be there. Souls will come into the kingdom in abundance! In that “catch” will be provision for further propagation of the gospel and for increase of God’s kingdom. You will see it! Some you will not see this side of heaven but God will see and you will be blessed. Your believing, trusting Him, and obeying Him, stepping out in faith, will be “counted unto your righteousness”. (As Abraham in Gen. 15:16)

Jim also serves as the pastor of our Bible believing community who meet every Sunday. Our gathering is non-denominational, and everyone is welcome.


To reveal the goodness of God to all people.

Our PURPOSE: to equip all people

to know God and his unconditional love and acceptance (restored relationship)

to receive the nature of God (restored identity)

to reveal the nature of God (restored purpose)


It is our desire and commitment to serve others. We are here for you. Feel free to reach out to any member of our Leadership.