

Man of god

Men have their own set of fears, joys, emotions, and issues. Wisdom tells us to gather together with other men to study how the Bible applies specifically to a man’s heart and life. In particular, a big issue for men is battling pride. Pride tells us to be a lone ranger. It gently reminds us of our own self-worth and how isolation and self-teaching is far more impressive and beneficial. Don’t give into this false thinking!

There is a mass amount of unapplied truth given directly from scripture that isn’t being lived out in men today. Guys are blending with the culture, rather that battling for obedience as God’s men. Men are allowing their eyes and minds to wander into areas of lust and fantasizing. And, for many men, standing for integrity in the workplace when everybody else is proudly walking on the unethical road is a non-issue. Men need to chase truth and combat the lie. In today’s world, men are spending more time at work, on hobbies, watching TV, and reading the paper than accepting their role and gift as a father, husband, and leader.

Our desire is to disciple and equip men in their roles as men of God, whether married, single, older, younger. We believe men have the God-given ability to shape the future of our homes, the business community, our neighborhoods, and the world.

bible study

There is transformation in the heart of anybody who chooses to study the word of God. The Bible says, For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). Could this really be true? Absolutely! This is a book with paragraphs, sentences, words and letters that have the power to transform a human’s character and attitude. A Bible study is a teaching experience in which the Holy Spirit empowers us to understand and be transformed by God’s written Word!

We meet the first Saturday of every month at 9AM. Call for information and directions, (530)391-3893 or email [email protected]