

word filled women

Effective women’s ministry builds up generations of women who study and pass on the Scriptures. The Bible is clear about itself: it is God’s breathed-out revelation of himself to human beings. 

It’s crucial for women to receive regular teaching of the Word from ordained leaders, and instruction and encouragement from both men and women. But it’s also crucial that women “teach what is good” by passing on to other women not just practical principles but the grounding in the Word from which those principles grow. What a blessing is the role model whose heart and mind are saturated in Scripture, whose life is being transformed by the Spirit into the image of Christ, and whose tongue is proclaiming his excellencies loud and clear. 

The coming generations will need such role models more than ever—and not just celebrity or virtual ones, but real women in real-life congregations.

Word-filled teaching happens in all sorts of ways—from big Bible studies to one-on-one Bible reading at a kitchen table. It happens in mentoring relationships based on sharing God’s Word. It happens as women pray, serve, minister, celebrate, and grieve together—always with the Word on their lips. 

When this Word-filled teaching takes place, it affects the whole church body.

What an opportunity, through women’s ministry, to embrace the calling of God’s set-apart people to be salt and light in the world, for the sake of Christ and his kingdom.

Bible Study

Experience the life transforming power of the Word!

Bible studies and teaching content are relevant and as varied as the authors themselves, but the one thing they all have in common is to teach us to live a faith that is pleasing to God in our thoughts, words and actions.

We provide opportunities for women to get connected, study God’s Word, and encourage each other in their walk with Christ.

We meet on Monday mornings at 10AM at the home of Teresa Nave. Call for information and directions, (530)748-8375 or email [email protected]

Women’s Bible study is on summer break. But you can join us for our church wide study (men & women) “Walking in the Spirit.” We meet Wednesday evenings at 6:45 starting June 7th. Call if you want more info.