The Law of Conception
Faith Lessons from Abraham
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Jesus’ Great Faith Lesson
There is only one way to receive from God and it is by faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. Living by faith is a command not a suggestion. Habakkuk 2:4 “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Hebrews 10:38 ICB The person who…
How to Reap a Harvest PT 2
DIVINE PARTNERSHIP Today we are going to study how God intended for us to receive from him or reap a harvest. It starts by understanding divine partnership, God is the one who provides the promises, and you are the one who has to receive them. Mark 4:26-29 And He said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, 27 and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout…
How To Reap A Harvest PT 1
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Soil That Produces A Harvest
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Winning Against the Cares of This World
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Developing Deep Spiritual Roots
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How’s Your Soil?
We are going to continue to learn how God intended for us to receive from Him. According to Jesus the key is belief.
Belief is from the Heart
Seeds are how God intended for his design to be multiplied on the earth.Here is the spiritual law: Every seed reproduces after its own kind. Click on the SAVE button to get a printable PDF of the sermon notes.